Welcome To My Green Pasture....

It is a place of quiet rest that I have found when I am writing. I hope that someone will find my musings helpful in some way.
Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restoreth my soul."

My Green Pasture....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Roll With The Punches

Well I guess this is a lesson of life I have been learning through all of my sickness and various weird problems! When you go through many trials over and over you somehow become pretty flexible and learn to not get too wound up if things don't go exactly as planned. You learn to "roll with the punches".  I had some great plans of doing a major amount of cleaning yesterday since it was really the first day since my surgery back in June that I actually wasn't in severe pain, so I thought I would take advantage and get busy and do a bit of some long overdue organizing and cleaning. I got into it about one hour but then found out that my pain- free day quickly changed into a high pain day with new symptoms thrown in... so, the cleaning and organizing, although I did get a start on it; got put on hold once again. Years ago, this would have made me pretty upset and I would have been in a foul mood for the rest of the day... but I decided it wasn't worth it...Sometimes MY plans get altered and I need to alter my attitude. Sometimes that is the best thing I can learn from it.....just to "roll with the punches" and quit having a "pity party" when everything doesn't work out exactly as I planned. I honestly believe that sometimes God arranges for My plans to be messed up on purpose....maybe He wants me to just sit back and realize it didn't really matter anyway.  

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