Welcome To My Green Pasture....

It is a place of quiet rest that I have found when I am writing. I hope that someone will find my musings helpful in some way.
Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restoreth my soul."

My Green Pasture....

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beautiful Colors....Beautiful People

I went to my first Pow Wow today.  I don't know why it has taken me so long to finally go to one when I live practically right next to the Ojibwe reservation and even taught some of the Ojibwe children a few years ago.The sounds of the drums beating and the vibrant variety of colors swirling around soon captured my attention and as I sat in the sweltering heat I was captivated at the apparent pride of these people before me. I was especially impressed with the fact that I not only saw one particular age group represented but pretty much there was every one from toddler on up to elders dressed in their traditional garb and dancing their traditional dance. I am so impressed that the young people are being taught to carry out the culture of their ancestors and are not just throwing it to the wind. I of course had to have my favorite fry bread while I was there. My own native pride began to swell up somewhere in my veins as I sat there and watched in amazement and wondered what it had been like for my great grandmother many moons ago. There were stories some of which I never quite got the full end of... but somewhere there was some Indian in our blood... well I was believing it as I listened to the beat of these drummers and watched as these people of many different ages with their terrific colors proudly strutted around the pow wow grounds... I had the urge to go out there and join them and hold my head up high! Not only were their colors beautiful but in all of my experiences, these Indian people are so very beautiful also. I tried not to be too obvious but the woman sitting next to me was passing the time by beading. It was so pretty. She was friendly also and had won a prize for her fry bread. Another was so gracious to let me take a picture with him and I just know God put him in my path...what are the odds....he told me he had battled cancer and won. It was what I needed to hear and I certainly wasn't expecting it from him. It was at just the right time. What a beautiful way to spend a hot summer day. These proud native Americans were an absolute beautiful reminder that life can be beautiful.

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