It seems that every day is filled with some sort of irritation or another. Many are really minor and I keep reminding myself to not "sweat the small stuff". But face it, nobody likes to be inconvenienced by things that irritate; like a broken coffee pot first thing in the morning(that's got to be the worst!), or a frozen water pipe in the middle of a sub-zero winter freeze! Maybe you're just going down the road minding your own business and a tire goes flat! Maybe a bunch of things like this all happen to you in one day! It's got to be a bad hair day too! Then of course, there are much bigger issues that people have that are really major and are no laughing matter. Whatever it is, minor or enormous, the irritation does have a purpose if you think about it. Did you know, that a pearl that is formed naturally, forms because a tiny irritant gets in the oyster, and the more it irritates the more it actually helps to form this beautiful, valuable pearl? It takes about five years for a pearl to form. Pearls are considered to be very valuable because in the wild they are actually pretty rare. Perhaps I am looking at the things that irritate me in the wrong light. Instead of being so frustrated and disgusted with whatever the irritant is, I should be glad that it is having a part in making me into a beautiful pearl. There is some truth to it . I know who I am today, is because of some of the hardships I have been through. So...there is an upside of irritations. Hopefully, as I continue to age and experience yet more irritations, I will learn to allow them to make me into a better, stronger person who can have value to others as a rare pearl.
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