Welcome To My Green Pasture....

It is a place of quiet rest that I have found when I am writing. I hope that someone will find my musings helpful in some way.
Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restoreth my soul."

My Green Pasture....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Do It Scared!

There are a lot of scary things in life way worse than the boogie man...I think every kid at one time or another thinks there is a boogie man that is lurking in the deep crevices of the closet or underneath the bed ready to crawl out and grab in the dark of the night! I for one have had to face a lot of scary situations in my lifetime... some of which seemed way too scary for me to even face. I still am facing some things right now that seem pretty darn scary but I have learned something very important.... you have to do what you have to do...whether you are scared or not... and if you have faith in God no matter what all is going on around you, then you know like I do that HE is bigger than any boogie man and bigger than any problem that I face. I am so thankful that He keeps His promise to never leave me or forsake me and is always with me to help me and provide for me and protect me. So, even though I may be scared and a bit intimidated by what lurks around the next corner... I know that He is with me and will guide, direct, and bring me through.

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