Welcome To My Green Pasture....

It is a place of quiet rest that I have found when I am writing. I hope that someone will find my musings helpful in some way.
Psalm 23:2 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restoreth my soul."

My Green Pasture....

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Hearty Welcome

Have you ever been some place that you really did not feel welcome? It is an awkward feeling. Sure the people put on a fake smile and say hello and maybe even offer you something, but underneath it all you can sense that you are not really wanted, there in their presence? I have been in that situation a few times and I usually want to remove myself as soon as possible. I have learned over the years it is so much better just to avoid those situations in the first place than to stress myself out over feelings of  awkwardness like that. Yesterday, I went to a place where I felt a different kind of welcome though. It was so refreshing to be welcomed over and over by so many smiling faces.  I went to a church that had a couple different services but of course I did not get there for the early one! As I stood in the foyer waiting for the one service to end so that I could enter, so many familiar faces kept showing up and giving hugs. Then as the double doors to the auditorium opened and people started pouring out one by one, there was this one and that one stopping to say hi and stopping for a hug. Precious friends I hadn't seen in awhile and it was so good to see them all! As I sat down in my seat a thought struck me! I think that when we first get to Heaven that is how it will be! We are going to be overwhelmed by the hearty welcome of all of the faces of people in our lives who have gone before us! They will all be there cheerfully greeting us as we enter the doors of Heaven....and that is just a tiny part of it....the best is beyond the doors!

1 comment:

  1. What a neat perspective and a great thought! I could feel exactly what you meant by feeling welcomed through your writing. It gave ME a sense of being welcomed, and I wasn't even there! I'm glad you had such a wonderful experience yesterday. It is love like what you describe that will carry us through days and days of every day life. I hope you have a terrific week!


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